Welcome to Chronumental’s documentation!


To install Chronumental using pip, run:

pip install chronumental


Convert a distance tree into time tree with distances in days.

usage: chronumental [-h] --tree TREE --dates DATES [--dates_out DATES_OUT]
                    [--tree_out TREE_OUT] [--always_use_final_params]
                    [--treat_mutation_units_as_normalised_to_genome_size TREAT_MUTATION_UNITS_AS_NORMALISED_TO_GENOME_SIZE]
                    [--clock CLOCK] [--variance_dates VARIANCE_DATES]
                    [--variance_branch_length VARIANCE_BRANCH_LENGTH]
                    [--steps STEPS] [--lr LR] [--name_all_nodes]
                    [--expected_min_between_transmissions EXPECTED_MIN_BETWEEN_TRANSMISSIONS]
                    [--only_use_full_dates] [--model MODEL]
                    [--output_unit {days,years}] [--variance_on_clock_rate]
                    [--enforce_exact_clock] [--use_gpu] [--use_wandb]
                    [--wandb_project_name WANDB_PROJECT_NAME] [--clipped_adam]
                    [--reference_node REFERENCE_NODE]

Named Arguments


an input newick tree, potentially gzipped, with branch lengths reflecting genetic distance in integer number of mutations


A metadata file with columns strain and date (in “2020-01-02” format, or less precisely, “2021-01”, “2021”)


Output for date tsv (otherwise will use default)


Output for tree (otherwise will use default)


Will force the model to always use the final parameters, rather than simply using those that gave the lowest loss

Default: False


If your branch sizes, and mutation rate, are normalised to per-site values, then enter the genome size here.


Molecular clock rate. This should be in units of something per year, where the “something” is the units on the tree. If not given we will attempt to estimate this by RTT. This is only used as a starting point, unless you supply –enforce_exact_clock.


Scale factor for date distribution. Essentially a measure of how uncertain we think the measured dates are.

Default: 0.3


Scale factor for branch length distribution. Essentially how close we want to match the expectation of the Poisson.

Default: 1


Number of steps to use for the SVI

Default: 1000


Adam learning rate

Default: 0.1


Should we name all nodes in the output tree?

Default: False


For forming the prior, an expected minimum time between transmissions in days

Default: 3


Only use full dates, given to the precision of a day

Default: False


Model type to use

Default: “DeltaGuideWithStrictLearntClock”


Possible choices: days, years

Unit for the output branch lengths on the time tree.

Default: “days”


Will cause the clock rate to be drawn from a random distribution with a learnt variance.

Default: False


Will cause the clock rate to be exactly fixed at the value specified in clock, rather than learnt

Default: False


Will attempt to use the GPU. You will need a version of CUDA installed to suit Numpyro.

Default: False


This flag will trigger the use of Weights and Biases to log the fitting process. This must be installed with ‘pip install wandb’

Default: False


Wandb project name

Default: “chronumental”


Will use the clipped version of Adam

Default: False


A reference node to use for computing dates. This should be early in the tree, and have a correct date. If not specified it will be picked as the oldest node, but often these can be metadata errors.

Indices and tables